The design objective for this 5400sq. ft. building was to reflect the culture of the Tlicho region. The project is an integration of architectural and engineering expertise, achieve both functional and aesthetic goals. Characteristics of aboriginal architecture have been incorporated with contemporary architecture.
* North Slave Regional Public Works and Services office renovation, Yellowknife, NT* Review of RWED office space. Ft. Simpson, NT
* Laing Building Main floor office renovation, Yellowknife, NT
* Public Works and Services Alliance Canada office renovation, Yellowknife, NT
* Design for Rolling Shelves, Laing Building YK
* Upgrade Design of the Bunkhouse, ITI, Ft. Simpson
* Office renovation Nahandeh Building, Ft. Simpson
* Wakweeti new office Building, Wekweeti, NT
* Gameti new office Building, Gameti, NT (uder construction)
* Lahm Ridge Tower first and 3rd floor Renovation, Yellowknife, NT
* New office and workshop, Behchoko, NT
* Office/Motel renovation Behchoko, NT
* New office for Sub-Arctic Surveying Company, Yellowknife NT
* Raven Centre new office building, Norman Wells, NT
* Fiddles and Sticks new building, Yellowknife, NT
* ENR Main Building renovation, Ft. Simpson, NT